The Layouts Menu contains all the choices for the various print formats, including address book pages, rolodex cards, labels, and envelopes. To specify the print format you want, you must select it from this menu.
You can preview exactly what each printed record will look like using the selected Layout by choosing "Display", Cmd-zero.
To add a pre-set layout to the Layout Menu:
To add a custom Layout to the Layout Menu:
• Select the pre-set Layout that is closest in format to what you want
• Choose "Form Setup". Make your changes to the settings.
• Click "Save" in the "Form Setup" dialog, and name the new Layout.
To edit the "Form Setup" settings of a Layout:
• Select the Layout from the Layout Menu
• Choose "Form Setup". Make the changes you need.
• Click "Save" in the "Form Setup" dialog, and name the Layout under the same name.
To edit the "Field Setup" settings of a Layout:
• Select the Layout from the Layout Menu
• Choose "Field Setup". Make the changes you want.
• Click "Save" in the "Field Setup" dialog, and name the Layout under the same name.